Thursday, March 28, 2013

For Women Only

An Odyssey Within the Prostate Cancer Experience:
For Women Only

“Life is a beautiful gift box
to be opened
not a problem to be solved.” [1]

David and Connie were some of the first people we had over for dinner following my return from the hospital. As could be expected, I felt exhausted and frightened by the ordeal. I had prostate cancer and it wasn’t going to go away.
The four of us engaged in small talk around our kitchen table. It seemed like sort of an unspoken pact, maybe even a contract, to stay away from any real concerns. And then, as if the pact were shattered, like a dam suddenly broken through by the sheer weight of the water pushing against it, David quickly asked me questions about the surgery, and he and Connie began to offer me support, and reassurance, and even prayers. Suddenly, my wife, Kathy, put her fork down and addressed us three. “What about me she asked? Doesn’t anyone want to know how I am doing with all this?” David and Connie apologized and went quiet. I began to weep and then so did Kathy. In all my pain and sadness and fear, I realized that I had misplaced my worry and concerns about her. And so began the passage to let go of my needs long enough to visualize hers. This was a terrible conscious awareness for a family therapist well trained in the understanding of cancer as an interpersonal disease. It affects all of those in a sick person’s relationships: spouses, partners, children and family. Had I lost all perspective about her in my feeling frightened, isolated, and emotionally abndoned? The answer is obvious, yes.
How many other men newly diagnosed with prostate cancer, or attempting to live with and through cancer, all trying to heal from its wrath had made the same terrible mistake I had made? The answers came from the many men and their partners I have talked with these last 15 years. I had not met with them as a psychotherapist, but as a fellow traveler who has already walked further down his path than they had down theirs. I did not use my private practice office, but met with them in cafes, restaurants, their kitchens, even their car or mine, sometimes alone, and many times with their partners. I shared the same illness they did. We were like a special group, a secret club, with membership limited to prostate cancer amongst us.

 I learned a great deal about them and explored much about who they were, where they were going, did they believe they would their live or die, and what would happen to their partners and families. What were their dreams for the future? How stuck and frozen were they during this time for them? Regardless of their answers, I tried to show them that I was not afraid of their struggles and the burdens they carried. Many conversations were about how they felt, and I had only to understand and verify that their feelings were legitimate for them.
At the same time, I developed a deep respect and admiration for the women in these interpersonal cancer experiences. They seemed left out of the equation; they said they felt that way. With all or at least most energy focused on their husbands, these were women who drifted and felt as isolated and lost, as their partners, but seldom spoke of that. They were afraid of deflecting the light away from their husbands, and in the process of self-denial, they became too quiet. Not out of introspection, but from sadness unexpressed, fears unexpressed, frustration unexpressed, anger unexpressed, and other feelings and thoughts denied or unspoken. Yet, when asked, there were women who were able to verbalize feelings of anger, great sorrow, love, resentment, compassion, guilt, fear, and obsessive worry. From their deep silence to vivid statements of intense feelings, I wondered what each woman wanted and needed to heal, to learn and grow emotionally from her experiences, and to plan for the future. Could they learn or use the skill to be present “in the moment” (the Buddhist term is smriti) with their men and at other times, with themselves.[2]  Not to focus on what they hadn’t done in the past, or to anticipate too far into the future, but to be “here and now” for whatever the “now” holds for them. There is always a fine balancing act to do this, especially when our thoughts automatically carry us, almost obsessively, to a future that is yet unknown.

One Stop on a Long Journey
We all know that prostate cancer, like all life threatening illnesses, has deep psychosocial (psychological/ social) and emotional implications for the men it strikes and in all their relationships. Men can respond to this illness with extreme sadness, worry, depression, anxiety, lack of energy or lethargy, distrust of others, and poor and depreciated self-worth. Some cannot enjoy their lives any longer. On the other hand, men can also weather the storm and carry on, losses or not. “I got treatment and we believe we are doing quite well. We made adjustments to our lives together.” While this is what I have seen and observed over the years, what could I now offer the women who are wives and partners of the men having such difficulty coping and adapting? What have I learned from our many conversations that will assist other women just beginning their journey with their partner or who feel stuck and frozen in a journey already begun with diagnosis and treatment in some part of their past?
Let me begin with the obvious. I never talked with a man or his partner who had actually anticipated getting prostate cancer. It simply isn’t something that could have been planned for or anticipated. No couple had set aside parts of themselves to prepare for this or squirreled away emotional resources to help them in coping. Some remembered their wedding vows of “in sickness and health,” but that didn’t seem like much help either. No planning, no roadmaps to follow, no provisions stored. No proper shoes or clothing for their journey. No time set aside for all this. They were all planning other things in their lives. And while life seems to be what happens to us when we are planning something else, this diagnosis of prostate cancer makes all of us stop in our tracks and pushes us back on our heels with no respite to plan for a changed and threatened future.

When we look at a Family Life Cycle, we can see some of the “whys” of our lack of preparation. If we as men live long enough, we will all probably get prostate cancer; but in advanced age, it generally does not kill us. If we get it in our 50’s and 60’s, the mortality rate is serious. With this diagnosis and treatments available for men, our lifecycle can grind to a halt.

At this stage, one I call the Transition and Empty Nest Period, our kids have probably left home or about to, our work is about as advanced as it may get or we may be at a career crossroad, our homes may be close to being paid off, we should have left the anxieties and uncertainties of young adulthood behind, and our partner relationship should be in the process of renewal and exploration. (Our relationship with our partner is not predicated on our children any longer. Q=V-CI, in other words, the quality (Q) of a marital partnership equals the viability (V) of it minus the children’s input (CI)). In fact, we have probably already begun to renegotiate our relationships with our children. We may also feel caught in the “sandwich generation,” one in which we feel responsive to the growing independency of our children and the growing dependency of our parents. Some of us have begun serious assessment of retirement possibilities. All or most of these tasks are suddenly replaced by an “illness-prone” focus. Life cycle change, evaluation, and exploration are quickly replaced by a focus on this prostate cancer.[3]

To Him, to Her, to Them
What is this all about? There are predictable and anticipated stages for a family. Each stage has specific tasks and skills to accomplish those tasks before moving on. If a family gets stuck within a stage, they either remain there, immobile and unable to proceed, or skip to the next stage without accomplishing the required tasks and skills necessary. I am concerned that an “illness prone-family,” such as one with prostate cancer, can remain stuck at that stage, or moves on without the necessary skills to be successful at the next stage I call the “Elder Stage.”[4] Being stuck or getting pushed ahead without proper skills is a problem in coping and adapting ready to happen.

Those relationships already in difficulty and in dysfunction, will suffer greatly when prostate cancer strikes. But, it can be just as difficult and traumatic and lead to marital dysfunction in healthy and productive marital relationships.[5] The trauma is so great, the pain so ongoing, the losses so tremendous, and the suffering so intense that many couples find themselves unable to cope or adapt to the reality of the changes to him, and to her, and to them. I think of coping as an attempt to find balance in one’s life, stay focused on what is most important, and to find some meaning or even purpose in all this. Balance and focus are difficult enough, but to find meaning and purpose seems impossible. While some couples appeared to find meaning and purpose through their religion or spiritual connections, many others felt abandoned and denied comfort and healing through religion or spirituality.

How we wish that we would have had a couple, on their own journey of healing, with whom we could talk and share and problem solve. What changes would I have made, and what would we have done differently? There are still times when I think about these questions. There are times when we still talk about these questions. They have become a small part of the landscape about who we are as a couple.

Traditional mental health therapists, who have never experienced living with and through a life threatening illness, may use standard psychotherapy techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy. They tend not to be effective in that they are designed for mental health problems, not difficulties in coping and adapting to serious illness. My many years of experience as a therapist seemed to be of little use to these couples. However, talking with them, listening to them, and verifying their feelings as appropriate for them seemed to be helpful. For me, it was about being with them, in their presence, and not doing. Their knowing that I lived with and through a serious diagnosis of prostate cancer and a tough prognosis was the empathic bridge needed for compassionate caring.

Taking on Too Many Roles
Prostate cancer, like all serious illnesses, makes the partner a caregiver. Surgery and recovery necessitate this frequent partner to caregiver role change. “I have had to take care of him in a special way that I was not prepared for.” Women can soon suffer from caregiver fatigue, which is a sense of feeling chronically sad, exhausted, manipulated, anxious, and even depressed as a result of the physical and emotional energy expended. Eventually, a woman can undergo compassion fatigue or a chronic inability to care for herself. In addition, I believe that excessive caregiving is a response to a man’s inability not to take advantage of his partner’s offering, or a woman’s excessive need to overly care for her husband or partner. “My husband is still incontinent, and I continue to go to the store to get him pads. I realize now that he is too embarrassed to get them himself, and he won’t talk about it.”

Men can become dependent on their partners for all kinds of support and view them as the primary communicator (especially to physicians and others in the health care system) as well as his caregiver. “When I go to the urologist with him, he doesn’t ask many questions. He expects me to do it.” Some women wished for physician prescribed support groups for their husbands. “He is so isolated from others and won’t seek out a group because he isn’t interested in telling his problems to other men.” 

Some talked about the need for some support group for themselves. “I don’t have anyone to talk to who really understands what I am going through.” The women had described their husbands as lonely, isolated, fearful, and emotionally beyond what they could offer them.[6] “I am the one to always answer the phone and talk to our friends about how he is doing. I don’t know how to help him anymore.” There is much to this issue to discuss, and careful mentoring will assist both partners in achieving maximum need for her caregiving without excessive reliance on his part. I found the issue to be a very sensitive one to negotiate but one that is extremely important for both of them. However, it is important to conceptualize that these roles can and should change over time due to changes in health status. Sadly, this is not always the case. Once again, careful guidance is essential to foster healthy change over time.
     Lack of sleep is dangerous for anyone, but especially a woman who is in a care giving role. I usually recommend over-the-counter assistance with tryptophan, melatonin, HTP, or calcium/magnesium. They are safe and not habit forming in my experience. Proper information about the mental and physical processes we use in getting ready to sleep so we can get refreshing amounts of sleep is readily available. There are many web sites devoted to both sleep hygiene and over the counter aids. Discussion with a primary care physician can certainly steer a woman in the right path. Some women will need a prescription medication to regain their previous sleep pattern. Once again, talking with a personal physician is helpful, for they should be well trained to counsel about sleep hygiene.
      Dietary and nutritional complements are often forgotten. Do not overlook them. This is the time to care for you.
·       Retain or gain a personal support system. Keep connected. Let others be there for you.
·       Have fun. Sounds impossible to you? You deserve it, seek it, it is there. Often friends do not contact you because they don’t know what they can say or do to help. You can help instruct them of exactly how they can help: they can go out with you, get coffee together, go to a movie, and rally around you to have fun the way you used to have fun. It gives your friends a purpose, makes them feel useful, and gets you out of the house and surrounded by those who want to support you.
     Be grateful and appreciative of all you have. Do not abandon your gratefulness, and find new and challenging ways to feel and express those emotions. Once again, this may seem difficult and out of your realm of possibility. But you can do it. Change the way you think about what you have and for what you are grateful, and it will be possible. In other words, let yourself return to the time when all things were possible and that may set the emotional stage for this to happen. You have control of this; do not let go of these possibilities.

I know from my personal experience that I chose to engage in meditation, imagery and affirmation training, (I estimated once that I listened to a guided imagery tape while in bed with ear phones on over 1,000 times.) tai chi, prayer alone and with my faith-based group, nutritional and specialized vitamin supplements, periodic psychotherapy for me and for us as a couple, reading, biking, listening to jazz, walking alone and with Kathy, and even long rides in my car. [7]

The Experiential Bridge
We would explore places, both near and far where we hadn’t been, as we explored in our conversations issues we had to cover again due to my illness, and topics we thought there would be plenty of time to talk about, which suddenly required our full attention. There were times I dropped the ball and I let fear and worry simply overwhelm me. Kathy seemed to be willing to pick up the ball and carry it for us until I returned from wherever my fear and worry carried me. The couples with whom I talked shared similar stories. We all as couples struggled, and sometimes failed, to find that important balance in our lives, to stay focused on what is most important to us, and to seek meaning and purpose in our lives. 

Coping, like grieving, was one step ahead and then two back and then maybe nothing ahead for a time. Eventually, I believe there will be forward movement if we are to heal. At the time, however, it just doesn’t seem like it is ever possible. That is what the support is for: to provide the emotional and experiential bridge to continue on the journey of healing and eventual transformation by our experiences. Yes, time does heal, but it is essential that we do something important and valuable during this time.[8]

Ernest Hemingway once wrote that we are all severely damaged by our experiences in life. While I believe some of us, but not all, are so negatively affected, “afterward many are strong in the broken places.” [9] There may be great strength and resilience beneath these wounds, but they are only accessible with direction, guidance, and alternatives. Similar to this, I did refer some men and their partners for traditional counseling. I would recommend this if they were troubled and suffered emotional problems and/or severe relationship difficulties prior to diagnosis and treatment. I continued to meet with them as an adjunct to treatment.
 I do not use the words cure and heal as meaning the same thing. Cure is about eradication of disease. To heal is to make decisions about ourselves as we create that sense of wholeness, wellness, and completeness, regardless as to whether we are cured from cancer or not. It is not surprising to me, but it was for many men and their partners, that they could heal themselves and each other, not once, but many times.

The Power of Persistence
When we did well, we did well. When we failed in the struggle, we failed miserably. And we tried again and again. Each day was one of experiencing this illness, the losses that we felt, the suffering and lamentations, and then we would be transformed. I was never the same again, neither were the men, and neither were their partners. Sometimes, the stories these men and their partners told me resonated in me and encouraged me and us as a couple to continue. This persistence is an amazing experience in itself. At times, I felt speechless and awed by its strength and power.

One major key to coping was to be appreciative that life is one of impermanence. But this time, it cannot be denied or repressed. We all have to learn to have some grace with impermanence and accept it if we are to cope with this cancer. This is about letting go of the impossible and remaining in the “here and now.” It is also about always having a future with us men in it. Set a place for us at the table of our family if we are to have the faith that we have a future together. “If you do not think about and plan for the future, you cannot have one.”[10]

But what can our future be? If we don’t know if this cancer will end our lives, or if it is out of control and metastatic, what then? What could I offer others with their struggle in a journey of such sadness and grief? Impermanence about our lives, and a real acceptance of it, is never about a loss of hope or not setting a place for us with the lives of our partners and family. I realized that false cheeriness was not helpful. Women are many times more gifted than men in understanding these beliefs. At the same time, I found them, as caregivers, denied the opportunity to share their feelings, their beliefs, their fears, and their worries. It was as if they were in a role in a play that simply had no place for their humanity to be expressed.

Working with a man and his partner, both living with and through prostate cancer, requires an effective process for a couple new to their journey or stuck at some unpleasant plateau. While men seem at first unwilling to join such a process, I believe they can engage well and gain as much from the experiences as a more motivated partner. Men are described as more ambivalent; maybe so, but they should be offered the chance to begin this process. If they will not, the partner should forge ahead alone, to reduce the sense of her isolation and receive the benefits of conversation with people who are empathic and compassionate because they are also on a similar journey. It is a social responsibility to seek out such mentors and guides. Lastly, I believe that such mentors should be given reflective learning time with an individual trained in reflective learning techniques. This will prevent burnout and over identification with others. Reflective learning is thinking about one’s experiences and interactions to best integrate them into the care of themselves and others. [11]

The major contributor to finding a couple’s successful path that coincides with their journey of living with and through cancer focuses on communication. To be able to say what one feels, thinks, and believes and to be able to listen to the partner’s feelings, thoughts, and beliefs is the ultimate in communication; to be followed by compromise, rapprochement (realignment of a person’s core beliefs and values), and reconciliation.

However, it is also very important to add that a couple needs a high level of personal regard for each other, especially during times of stressfulness on their mutual coping abilities. We must hope that the couple comes from, or is guided to, a similar level of positive emotions towards each other. In other words, personal regard for one’s partner is an ongoing and dynamic response of respect, admiration, and positive feelings, which is essential for empathy-based communication to be effective.

An Exercise in Affirmations
I am going to offer an exercise in affirmations. They are important to your partner and to you because of the “enormity of sorrow” you both may be facing.[12] The affirmations are designed to be practiced alone or with your partner, or even in a group of “fellow travelers”. I suggest that you first begin by repeating each one silently to yourself, and then say it very quietly. As you finish each affirmation, tap the table, chair, or even your bed with one finger before you move on. Saying them silently alerts your consciousness that you are engaging in the important process of healing from within; saying them out loud gives your mind and spirit permission to hear and reverberate with the energy released; and tapping on the table is an external reminder, especially in a group or with your partner, that you are living with and through this interpersonal cancer and no one is living it alone.
I have taken the following affirmations and put them in the first person for clarity and emotional impact on the persons reciting them:
·       A gentle sweet forgiveness of myself and others
·       A permission to be who I really am
·       To trust in my own essential goodness
·       To trust in my ability to fulfill my purpose
·       To be conscious in what really matters to me
·       To expand into the generosity of my true nature
·       And settle into the peaceful stillness at my center [13]

Lastly, balance, focus, and meaning are all important in our attempt to cope with and successfully adapt to this interpersonal prostate cancer. While our journey appears to be destined for us and our partners by this diagnosis of prostate cancer, the path we choose of how we will live our life is truly ours to make. It will be a more enlightened and transformative path if only we understand that suffering can lead to meaning if it changes us for the better, and a will to such meaning can lead to a will to live.[14] Caring, high levels of personal regard for each other, and empathy-based communication are requirements for a couple’s success.

David and Connie remain close friends of ours even though they moved away some time ago. We still keep in touch through e-mail and phone calls. It is good to have such friends. Kathy and I continue our loving partnership in which we are best friends. We are extremely blessed.

I wish you all well…

“At twilight I visit my garden
Where the peonies are about to burst
Someday, there will be more
Flowers than the vase can hold”
­ S. Glassmeyer15

“The question is not whether we will be given challenges and limitations. We will. The questions is, how will we hold them, how will we be changed, how will they shape us, what will we bring to the healing of them, what, if anything, will be born in its place.”16

Alan S. Wolkenstein, MSW, LCSW
Clinical Professor of Family Medicine (Ret.)
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Senior Educator and Consultant: Wolkenstein and Associates, LLC
Mequon, Wisconsin


1 Muller W. The Meaning of Life. Sounds True Audio Series; 1998.
[2] Watts,A. This is It. New York: Vantage Books; 1960.
[3] Wolkenstein A, Lawrence S, Butler D. “Teaching Family: The Family Medicine Chart Review.” Family Systems Medicine. 1985 3(2) 171-178.
[4] Wolkenstein A, Wolkenstein M. Evan. “Reflective Learning through Psychosocial Chart Review.” Annals of Behavioral  Science and Medical Education. Fall 2008 14(2) 62-64.
[5] Walsh F and McGoldrick M. (Eds.) Living Beyond Loss. New York: Norton and Company; 1991.
[6] Evertsen J, Wolkenstein, Alan . “Female Partners of Patients after Surgical Prostate cancer Treatment: Interactions with Physicians and Support Needs.” BMC Family Practice. 2010 11(19) 1471-2296.
7 Wolkenstein A, Wolkenstein ME, Simona K. “The Card: An Educators Encounter with Cancer.” Family Medicine. 2004 36(2) 137-140.
[8] Batzler R. Through the Valley of the Shadow. Frederick, Maryland: Hidden Valley Press; 1983.
[9] Hemingway, E. Farwell to Arms: Simon and Schuster; 1929.
[10] Galsworthy G. Swan Song. Part 2 (6); 1928
[11] Wolkenstein A, Wolkenstein M. Evan. “Using Reflective Learning in Graduate Medical Education and Practice.” Medical Encounter. Fall 2009 23(3) 97-102.
[12] Mueller W. Legacy of the Heart. New York: Simon and Schuster; 1992.
[13] Napatstek B. Health Journeys: Cancer. Hachette Audio Series; 1993.
[14] Frankl V. The Will to Meaning: Foundations and Applications of Logotherapy. Penguin Books; 1988.
15 Glassmeyer S. Source Unknown.
16 Muller W. A Life of being, having, and doing enough. New York; Harmony Books; 2010.

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